Saturday, December 11, 2010

Time passes when your having fun..... destroying the monarchy of a country

I have been living in Zealand for four years now.  My life in Zealand is certainly nothing I could have ever predicted. In my first year instead of learning how to better control my powers.  I was observed by inspectors as I used my limited understanding of my powers.  I did not understand what they were achieving by watching a nine year old girl who could not properly use her powers.  Then one day I overhear a thought that I am positive I was not suppost to hear.  It was from the inspector he said "Petra unbelievable, we did the research and no one will ever be able to project messages at her strength.  We do not know how to give you the power. You will have to give her the position until you can figure out how to duplicate her power. " The woman was RITA!!!  I was confused, what was Rita talking about and what position did she have?  Once I become ten and was officially an adult I quickly realize the controversy Rita was up to when I was crowned queen! This would be a dream come true for any other ten year old girl but I only had one important thing to do as queen.  I instructed everyone to send a thought shape to everyone in the world that they could reach that had telepathy.  This thought would tell them to bring themselves and their children to Zealand.  I then broke the crown and ended the monarchy government in Zealand. 

I have spent the last two years now on a research project.  I am doing what the inspectors were not capable of.  I am developing a theory to make every one's power just as strong as mine.  I meet families from all over the world and am testing their projection strength after I perform a surgery on them.  Can you believe it I am a Biotechnology doctor. 

The surgery seems to be working as all the members of Zealand are now as strong as me.  Rita now has nothing to gain.  I hope to see more patients.  The strength of my telepathy has made my life so exciting and I want to share this ability with everyone.  If you have telepathy Zealand is awaiting you.