Tuesday, December 14, 2010

This is me. Take it of Leave it.

Hello, My name is Petra Strorm.  I am a biotechnology doctor that lives in Zealand.   My life has been full of adventure because of something outstanding.  I have extremely strong telepathy. Now that I am twelve years old and an adult, I am working on an experiment for everyone in the world with telepathy to come to Zealand for me to try to make them as strong at projecting messages as I am.  This blog outlines my life changing moments that led to me starting my experiment.  They are written from the perspective of the eight year old me and the thoughts I had about everything that was changing.  By reading my blog "Just A Thought" you will understand how unbelievable having telepathy is, and know why I want to improve this experiment so badly.  You will meet all the people who have impacted my life. Good or bad, is your opinion, but they have helped me get to the place I am today.  You will realize that my relationship with my brother, David changed constantly throughout my life.  This is because of all the obstacles of having telepathy brought us together but also seperated us forever.  I miss him deeply.  I hope he is as happy with his life as I am with mine.  My hometown is Waknuk.  I was just too modern for their society though because I questioned all of their Purity Laws.  They tried to kill people with telepathy.  What harm have telepathics ever done.  Well one Zealand woman was about try to do evil with her telepathy, but I handled it.  Want to find out how? Then read my blog silly!!!

Monday, December 13, 2010

My Family is...Unique

Good News! I am certified which means there is nothing wrong with me physically.  I am so happy my parents were very nervous I would never be certified.  I am now officially a member of Waknuk and of the Strorm family.  My parents preach the ideal image of God so I am happy that I will hopefully NOW be accepted by my parents.  Before the certification they wouldn't even look at me. 

My family is very critical.  All around my house I have these sayings that tell us to be attentive for deviations ALWAYS.  My parents were also very strict to make sure I understood all the Purity Laws.  Especially after what happened with Aunt Harriett.  If I was as defiant as her about questioning the Purity Law I would have to leave Waknuk.  This might just be a sibling opinion, but I think David actually thinks I am a deviant.  This is because since he came to help me out of the the pond yesterday he has been observing me.  I think he is concerned because I shouted to him and he came so quickly.  There were farmers that were suspicious about David because they did not hear my shout and David had.  I am not sure why but David had no response.  I wanted to tell the farmer I told him to come but David carried me away before I could.  All I know for sure is either me or David is stranger than normal.   I'll find out how and keep you posted.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Secret Hero

I just found out AMAZING life changing news.  I have telepathy.  I can talk to my brother and my cousin, Rosalind WITH MY MIND.  I feel like a superhero. I can't even  imagine all  of the adventures I will have with my superpower.  I guess this is why earlier today when I was in distress all my brother's friends came running when I had not even called for help yet.  They must be telepathic too, maybe they're a group.  All these years I thought David knew I was in distress because of a sibling instinct.  This is unbelievable.  David is the one who told me about my powers and is now trying to teach me how to use them.  I don't know what I have to learn but apparently I am hurting people.  David told me its because my projection powers are stronger than everyone else's powers which means I can control people's minds.  I better learn to use my powers properly so that I can use them more often. 

I am progressing well with my powers.  I can now send a thought shape to someone without them getting a headache.  This is the most incredible thing I have ever done.  I love having the strongest powers, I get to contribute so much to the group.  Maybe I can even control some people.  But I must keep my powers a secret because people might be jealous.

Running Into a Problem

I have been running for three days with David and Rosalind.  I am so tired and want to stop. I have no idea who or what we are running from.  We have gone through lands of serious deviation.  I am so scared.  I have seen people with four arms or three long fingers.  I cannot image what David is trying to protect us. It must be serious of life threatening if he is forced to bring us here.

I found out we are running from Pursuers who want to eliminate deviations. This happens all the time in Waknuk. I don't know why David's so scared of this attack.  The Pursuers are just going to find Deviations and kill them, it has nothing to do with us.  We are not deviations, we look normal.  Well David has a funny nose, but that doesn't count. It is a "normal" nose.

David told me that we are deviations because of our thought shapes and the Pursuers are trying to find US. This makes me nervous because I don't understand.  Why would they be afraid of us because we can create think-shapes?  We have never harmed anyone, we have done nothing.  This is how we communicate.  It is like tormenting a speaker because they talk.  Thought-shapes are natural to me and I enjoy using them.
I am frightened now because I have been communicating with a woman from Zealand who wants to come to meet me.  This is because she admires my powers.  My communication with this woman is a HUGE indication that we can do something others can't.  Actually, I am the only one from our group that can contact the Zealand woman.  I have to organize the escape with David and Rosalind like the deviation I am.  Hopefully  the Zealand woman offers help to us, as she gets closer to help us.

Life can Change in a Second

Lastest update! The Zealand woman named Rita has come to the Fringes. I have been anxious for so long to meet her.  When she got to the Fringes she arrived in a spaceship!  She is so funny,  she dropped  these pretty pieces of paper just for me that made everyone stick to what they touched.  It looked like they were dancing.  She was extatic to see me.  She picked me up and hugged me.  I felt like I was her child since she cared about me so deeply.  I have never been this close to an adult since my parents were so focused on enforcing the rules that they never had time to care for me.  She told me that she travelled around the world to see me.  Rita wanted me and my brother David and cousin, Rosalind to come back to Zealand with her. Finally! I know my life in Zealand will be better and I will be accepted for having telepathy.  Rita is already planning for me to go to school and learn to use my powers.  School, can you believe it?  I could never in Waknuk go to normal school never the less going to school to help me with my thought shapes.

We entered the spaceship and were flying to Zealand.  I had a million thoughts going through my head on the way to Zealand.  I could only imagine the potential I had in Zealand.  I hope there are hosptials in Zealand for David and Rosalind because the closer I get, the more I have the desire to spontaneously think message TO EVERYONE.  I am so excited I can't even keep my thoughts straight.  I have to go for now.  MY NEW LIFE AWAITS.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Time passes when your having fun..... destroying the monarchy of a country

I have been living in Zealand for four years now.  My life in Zealand is certainly nothing I could have ever predicted. In my first year instead of learning how to better control my powers.  I was observed by inspectors as I used my limited understanding of my powers.  I did not understand what they were achieving by watching a nine year old girl who could not properly use her powers.  Then one day I overhear a thought that I am positive I was not suppost to hear.  It was from the inspector he said "Petra unbelievable, we did the research and no one will ever be able to project messages at her strength.  We do not know how to give you the power. You will have to give her the position until you can figure out how to duplicate her power. " The woman was RITA!!!  I was confused, what was Rita talking about and what position did she have?  Once I become ten and was officially an adult I quickly realize the controversy Rita was up to when I was crowned queen! This would be a dream come true for any other ten year old girl but I only had one important thing to do as queen.  I instructed everyone to send a thought shape to everyone in the world that they could reach that had telepathy.  This thought would tell them to bring themselves and their children to Zealand.  I then broke the crown and ended the monarchy government in Zealand. 

I have spent the last two years now on a research project.  I am doing what the inspectors were not capable of.  I am developing a theory to make every one's power just as strong as mine.  I meet families from all over the world and am testing their projection strength after I perform a surgery on them.  Can you believe it I am a Biotechnology doctor. 

The surgery seems to be working as all the members of Zealand are now as strong as me.  Rita now has nothing to gain.  I hope to see more patients.  The strength of my telepathy has made my life so exciting and I want to share this ability with everyone.  If you have telepathy Zealand is awaiting you.